Exploring Kandy once again..

I still have time left before my train ride back to Colombo so I went out and re-acquainted myself with the city of Kandy once again. Since my guesthouse is just a few meters away from the Tooth Relic temple, every day throngs of worshippers pass by the guesthouse bringing with them their colorful bouquets of flowers to offer at the temple.

I retraced my old steps back and went looking for the little fountain that I visited when I first came here to watch the Esala Perahera, almost 7 years ago and there it was, still as beautiful as ever.

The city which is founded in the 14th century is considered a UNESCO Heritage Site. Kandy is the capital of the last Sinhalese kingdom stretching from the reign of Vimala Dharma Suriya I in 1592 until Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe in 1815 before British troops took over. Until now, it is still the religious capital of Srilankan Buddhists especially with the presence of the Sacred Tooth Relic Temple.

I was in need of a blessing (to expedite my visa!), I went searching for a church and ended up at the end of the block from my fountain. St. Paul’s Church originally served as a garrison church for British troops stationed in the Hill Country, hence all around the church interior walls were burial plaques of these British offices and their families. Construction of St. Paul's Church began in 1843, completed in 1848, and enlarged in 1878 and 1928. The church was barely open and it was really dark inside. I tried to get into a pew at the back area but they put barriers so I went to the altar area and was so amazed at the designs that I started clicking away with my camera.

Then a 40-ish lady came over and scolded me that I need permission to take photos (okay, I’m fine with that) and to leave a donation at the box near the entrance (hello? I know we pay tithes in the olden dinosaur ages but to force me to pay a donation?). She made that remark in a very forbidding face. Oh God! The Catholics here in Kandy are definitely made in a different mold that back at home where the most honest and hospitable old ladies can be found tending to chores voluntarily in the local parish. I did not even finish my usual Our Father- 3 Hail Mary - Glory Be.

After that un-Christian brush of hospitality, I went to look for the devales, mainly the 14th-century Natha Devale which is close to the Sacred Tooth Relic Temple. The reason why I had to make a U-turn and go back to my room to change my short skirt to a long trousers, my outfit is not fit for temple attendance. Lol

Some photos around Kandy and then it’s time to go…..


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